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"Why Am I Still Single?" - Reasons Why You Are Not Successful In Relationships

"Why Am I Still Single?" - Reasons Why You Are Not Successful In Relationships
"Why am I still single?" - almost every person had this question in their mind at least once in a lifetime. No matter if you've never had a proper relationship or broke up with your last boyfriend/girlfriend ages ago. You will still wonder whether it's something wrong with you, or with people around, or it's time to adopt 40 cats and stay lonely and miserable...
It could also be possible that you had a lot of relationships in your life but none of them were successful. You feel like your dreams about marriage and family won't ever come true and you'll never find true love. Don't worry! Probably, it's not that bad.
There may be a few reasons why you are still single. Most of them are connected with your phycological issues and your environment. So, the first thing you need to do now is to be honest with yourself and try to analyze your behavior according to the reasons below.
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Are you really ready?
It is the simplest but, at the same time, the most common reason why someone doesn't have a long-term or any relationship at all. Ask yourself "Are you really ready for a new relationship? Is it the right time?". Our unconscious is very powerful, so if deep inside you feel like it's not a good time for a romantic relationship because you need to focus on your studies or work, or if you still can't get over the last romance, you may emotionally close yourself from being available for relationships without even knowing it.
You have a fear of intimacy
Relationships are all about intimacy, so if you have a fear of intimacy, it will be extremely difficult for you to find a new partner. It's not only about physical intimacy when you can't stand when a stranger is hugging or touching you, or just stands nearby. But it's also about emotional intimacy when it's hard for you to let someone into your life. If you have in mind the person you consider to be your future partner (even an imaginary one), just imagine you two living together, sharing some personal stuff like family traditions and your dreams, introducing him/her to your family and friends, spending evenings together and cuddling in bed. If you felt at least a bit uncomfortable thinking about it, you might have the fear of intimacy, which is probably the reason why you fail in your relationships.
You are too picky
And it's a pretty common reason. Of course, you don't need to date anyone who just asks you. But if your future partner should be blond with blue eyes and an athletic body, should have a Ph.D. degree, and play the violin, it's not likely that you'll find a lot of people like this. What you need to do is just lower your standards a little bit and maybe choose 2 - max. 3 qualities that should be in your partner. Of course, we all want to find the perfect match, but sometimes it's really hard to find someone corresponding to all your wishes.
You have a low self-esteem
You will be surprised to know how many people are facing this problem nowadays. It might be connected with the growing popularity of Instagram models with their perfect bodies and even more perfect lives, so when we see a handsome man or a pretty woman, the first thing that comes to our minds is that we are not good enough for them. But this is actually not true. A lot of models and young actresses commented that they are mostly unsuccessful in finding a new relationship, just because most of the men wouldn't dare to ask them out.
Lack of confidence will really influence your life (and not only in romantic relationships). Just remember that no one can fall in love with you, before you like yourself first.
Have you already met your perfect match?
The most obvious explanation for your relationship problems is simply that you haven't found your person yet! Sometimes you can't have a good relationship with someone just because you don't have any common interests or values. It's not that all your acquaintances are wrong people. But some people are good just to be friends with and some are just perfect for relationships. Anyway, the thing is that if you are perfect together, you'll be happy together. All you need to do is just find this right person. One of the best ways to do it is to look for "the one" on Meetville as there you will be helped by the best matchmaking system and you'll definitely find the right person just nearby.
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One of these reasons is probably what stops you from being happy in a relationship with someone. All you need to do now is to detect the problem and get rid of it ;) After that, you are free to start a new relationship and turn it the way you want.
You can take dating to a completely new level as now you probably earn enough money to go to a restaurant for a date or spoil your partner with meaningful gifts. At the same time, it’s the exact time when you can start creating your family, so you won’t be afraid if your partner says that he or she wants children with you.
Overall, dating has many benefits. But here we got the best of them.
When you are in your 30s, you probably have in mind what do you want from a relationship. Either it’s creating a family or simply a fling to have some fun. You should be honest about what you want and tell your partner. It will really help you to understand either you want the same thing in life or not.
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Firstly, it’s how dating works today. There is no reason you should ignore this way of meeting new people, as it’s quite convenient, especially if don’t have much time to spend on dating incompatible people and don’t really know how and where to meet your other half. There are plenty of dating apps nowadays and so many people are actually using them! And it’s pretty reasonable, as online dating is really fun. Try Meetville app and you’ll see how easily you can find your perfect match.
Being in your 30s doesn’t mean that you need to settle down forever. It’s still a perfect time to explore new things and try new relationships. Date someone who is “not your type” and go on dates you would never go on. Don’t be afraid to explore and experiment.
If you feel that it’s not your person, the only right way is to stop wasting your time with them. Life is too short and there is no sense in wasting your time on someone you don’t really like. A lot of people get stuck with their partners despite the bad relationships just because they are afraid to stay alone for the rest of their lives. But you can’t know for sure. Maybe your perfect match is just waiting for you to be single. So, don’t waste your time on someone with who you won’t spend the rest of your life with. Better use this time to find someone you will really love.
The most important tip to remember is that age is just a number and you shouldn’t overthink it. If you are in your 30s it doesn’t mean that you should stop dating or having fun in your relationship. And being 32 or more doesn’t mean that you can’t date someone who is 27. Take the best of your dating experience no matter how old are you getting.
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