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72% of Americans Watch Porn with Their Partner to Improve Sex Life

“Many couples who watch porn together find it to be exciting, and some people see”
By Alex Glover May 27, 2021
Americans Watch Porn With Their Partner to Improve Sex Life dating-singles-meetville-matchmaking

72% of Americans Watch Porn with Their Partner to Improve Sex Life

“Many couples who watch porn together find it to be exciting, and some people see”
By Alex Glover May 27, 2021

Many couples who watch porn together find it to be exciting, and some people see it as a healthy expression of one’s sexuality. This was highlighted by Meetville.com (dating app to find the right person) in the poll, conducted between 4/7/14 and 8/26/14.

The poll posed the question: “Do you like to watch porn with your partner?”, to which the responses were: “Yes” - 72%, “No” - 28%.

Sandra Leiblum(PhD), director of psychological services and sex therapist at New Jersey Center For Sexual Wellness, says it is a matter of intensity, frequency, degree and type of video being watched. “Porn sex videos can be a phenomenal way to spice up couple’s intimate sexual relationship. However, do not become dependent on the videos in the long run. Instead, try to incorporate your own twists to make your partner more interested and cooperative,” continues Sandra.

Participants numbered 54,214. From the USA - 50%, from Canada - 4%, from Britain - 12%, from Australia - 7% and from other countries - 27%.

Among those who answered “Yes”, the distribution of votes was as follows: male - 79%, female - 21%.

Alex Cusper, Meetville service analyst, comments on the results: “ Both sexes often have various preferences regarding sexual imagery. Men are aroused visually. Women usually respond to verbal stimulation. Therefore men are more aggressive and interested in sexual imagery while some women are not comfortable with it.”


Meetville, a leading mobile dating service, regularly conducts research among its users. Millions of people from the U.S., Canada, Britain and Australia answer hundreds of questions every month. You can find the results of the poll here. If you are interested in research on a particular topic, please contact us. Any reprint of the material should be followed by clickable links to the survey.

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