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Dating a Beauty

Dating a Beauty
Have you ever asked yourself why most men find it easy to approach an “average” girl, but as for dating with very attractive girls, they feel nervous or even completely lose their heads? The reason for such behavior is not a secret – this is just a fear of being rejected. And this is the fear and nothing more that prevents men from dating really hot women.
However, if you ask any of them whether they would like to have such a girlfriend, the overwhelming majority will answer “yes”. But how are they going to approach pretty woman if they don’t even know how to start a conversation with them?
Frankly speaking, there are a lot of myths about beautiful women. If you are still going to believe them you are unlikely to succeed. And today let’s take a look at the most widespread misconception about them.
Beautiful women can be attracted by only handsome men. It seems to be the greatest of all myths men have ever created about pretty woman. Just think how many times you have seen really gorgeous women with rather unattractive men. I guess – a lot.
Of course, good look plays not the last role when we talk about dating. But attractive appearance is absolutely not the crucial factor that predetermines women’s choice of a partner. Most women value alpha male traits like the power of will, strong character, self confidence, sense of humor etc. According to the numerous polls, most women would rather prefer a partner with a good personality and rich inner world than a sweet macho man.
So, next time when approaching a beauty think not only about your look, but also about what you’ve got inside to share with this stunning lady.
It’s very difficult to start a relationship with a beautiful woman. Maybe this myth is still alive because most men have no idea how to handle a pretty woman. For such men it’s better not to even try talking to a woman they are attracted, as in most cases they are sure they will be rejected. So why try to do something if you already know that you’ll fail? Men, who told you this?
Do you know how many single beauties can’t find a partner because of your fears? Yes, beautiful women are more likely to stay single than “average” girls just because men don’t know how to approach them.
So don’t try to guess what if… Make the first step and see what will happen. I assure you, that most beautiful women are not snobs or egoists and will be glad to start conversation with you. Just be polite and self-confident, and yes, don’t leave your sense of humor at home. When the first step is already done – everything depends on you. Of course no one can guarantee you 100% success, but you will obviously fail if you don’t even try to change something in your life.
I’m unlikely to attract beautiful ladies Unfortunately, there are a lot of guys who believe that they are not “cut out” for dating with really beautiful women. How do they defend this absurd point of view? They try to give the examples where gorgeous women accompany famous actors, musicians or rich businessmen. These entire examples are true, of course. But haven’t you met any beauties with so called average guys? Maybe some of them just live next door?
How do you find out what is in the box without opening it? How can you be sure you will be rejected without even approaching a woman? By the way, beauty is a very subjective notion. And a lot of beautiful women also doubt their attractiveness and may be as shy as you are.
But I know for sure there is one thing that really attracts girls – this is your self confidence (don’t mix it with arrogance). And next time you see a girl of your dream just come up to her and smile. Believe, it’s much better to regret about what you have done than vice versa. Good luck!
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