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Is Sex Education in Schools Good for Kids?

Is Sex Education in Schools Good for Kids?
People are worried about the lack of sex education in schools. Meetville (dating app to find the right person) carried out a survey from 9/18/14 to 11/12/14 to get the public opinion on the matter. 31,816 voters have answered the following question “Should children be given sex education in schools?”
The people polled represented the following countries as follows: USA – 54%, Canada – 4%, Britain – 12%, Australia – 8% and other countries – 22%. The majority (82%) feel an acute necessity in sex education for their children. It’s common knowledge that having a sex course taught in schools helps the youth to make reasonable decisions when it comes to sex. Steve Siebold, author and expert in the field of critical thinking and mental toughness training, believes that :”Whether you like it or not, teenagers are going to have sex. They always have and always will.” According to him teenagers face sex on a daily basis “in sexually explicit movies, games, magazines, and other materials than we have in our entire lives.” He sums up: “Teenagers are bombarded by sex; what they are lacking is sex education.” The popularity of the “Masters of sex” TV series and “50 Shades of Grey” erotic novel proves it.
The distribution of votes within the two suggested options was as follows: 82% of all males and 83% of all females support the idea of sex education in schools, while 18% of males and 17% of females disapprove it.
According to Alex Cusper, Meetville service analyst, sex education is essential as it helps to cut down the risks of potentially negative outcomes from teen’s sexual behaviour, such as undesired or unplanned pregnancies and infection with STD’s. It also can give youngsters positive experience in their sexual lives by bringing the quality of their relationships to a new, better level.
Meetville, a leading mobile dating service, regularly conducts research among its users. Millions of people from the U.S., Canada, Britain and Australia answer hundreds of questions every month. You can find the results of the poll here. If you are interested in research on a particular topic, please contact us. Any reprint of the material should be followed by clickable links to the survey.
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