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How to Date British Men: The Main Dating Tips

How to Date British Men: The Main Dating Tips
No one would argue that British guys are the hottest. When you hear them talking with their accent you just can help yourself. And most of them are very good looking...
There is no doubt that a lot of women would like to date a British guy. But no one really knows what they need to do to win them over. It is not that difficult but you need to remember a few rules that would make British men fall for you.
First of all, ask yourself where can you meet a British guy. Do you already have someone in mind? Or are you open to new people in your life? As going to United Kingdon is not always an option, the easiest way would be finding him on a dating app. We strongly recommend you trying Meetville, which is really easy to install on Android and iOS.
After finding your perfect British match, there is only one thing left to do: make him fall for you! So here we have 5 the most important dating tips that would help you date British men.
Don't try to be more British
It may sound a bit trivial, but being yourself is the best thing you can do. If he's already in love with you, he likes everything about you and not who you're trying to be.
And don't be ashamed of your accent! Yes, the British accent is very sexy and probably it's the main reason why you want to date a British man, but it's a two-way street. A lot of British men are actually fond of American accents, especially the one from Texas.
Be open and honest with him
British people are usually more closed and don't like sharing details of their personal life. That is why they would really appreciate your breezy and carefree way of living. At the same time keep in mind their mentality, so don't go far from something they are used to. Be direct and honest in your conversations. It doesn't mean that you can't joke around but don't be too sarcastic and vague.
Be careful with your sense of humour
Many Brits have a sense of humour different from all other countries. So, don't feel offended if he doesn't laugh at your jokes and try not to offend him. Though, don't be afraid to show that you have a sense of humour as well, and crack a few jokes at least to break the ice.
Learn more about his culture
First of all, it would really help you to get to know him better. Understanding British culture would make you feel more comfortable with him and people around. And of course, he would really appreciate you being interested in his country and it will definitely bond you together.
Smile :)
It may surprise you but British guys really appreciate when a girl smiles. Maybe they are happy that at least someone smiles at their jokes, or maybe American girls just have lovely smiles. Probably there is no right answer. But showing your beautiful smile when you are with a Brtish man wouldn't hurt.
Read also: How Can You Tell If Someone Likes You?
It's interesting that as many women from all over the world are dreaming about British guys, as many British men would like to date an International girl. So, don't waste your chance to find your British love!
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