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Want a Boyfriend? Wear Less Make-Up Than Lady Gaga

“Men prefer a natural look to a mask of colors. This was revealed by Meetville.com (dating”
By Alex Glover November 5, 2020

Want a Boyfriend? Wear Less Make-Up Than Lady Gaga

“Men prefer a natural look to a mask of colors. This was revealed by Meetville.com (dating”
By Alex Glover November 5, 2020

Men prefer a natural look to a mask of colors. This was revealed by Meetville.com (dating app to find the right person) in the course of a survey, held  from 5/12/14 to 7/11/14.

Answering the question of the poll: “Do you approve of using a lot of make up?” the vast majority of 79% voted “No”. It should be noted that among those who don’t favor substantial make-up, 67% were male, and only 33% - female.

Lisa Potter-Dixon, Benefit's Head Makeup Artist, thinks that “natural look” is a big trend nowadays largely due to the male opinion on the matter. “What men think of as natural actually takes a lot of effort”, says Lisa. However, she believes that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and although there is no right or wrong amount of make-up to wear, women may wish to use make-up wisely in the hunt for the dream man.”

44,539 people participated in the poll. From the USA - 65%, from Canada - 3%, from Britain - 10%, from Australia - 7% and from other countries -15%.

Alex Cusper, Meetville service analyst, assumes the results indicate people are now trying to rethink what beauty means to them. The idea that you should be comfortable with who you are is actively encouraged both by men and women around the world.

Meetville, a leading mobile dating service, regularly conducts research among its users. Millions of people from the U.S., Canada, Britain and Australia answer hundreds of questions every month. You can find the results of the poll here. If you are interested in research on a particular topic, please contact us. Any reprint of the material should be followed by clickable links to the survey.

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