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5 Best Second Date Ideas to Win Them Over

5 Best Second Date Ideas to Win Them Over
The first date went really well. You really like this person and you want to make the second date even more successful. You know that you want to pursue things with them, but you don’t want to come on too strong. So how do you plan that all important second date? How do you surpass a really great first date? How do you turn this into a really pivotal moment that defines the relationship and helps to launch it in a new direction? You plan a great second date that shows that you really put thought into things, that’s how!
Many people assume that it’s all about expensive dinners to impress the other person, but this doesn’t have to be the case. If you want to win them over then show them that you are trying to plan something fun that allows you to get to know each other just a little bit more. Show them that you are really interested and that this second date is important to you. Never coming off as needy, but rather interested and wanting to see where things take you in the future. The second date will forever be important, for it’s your chance to establish if you want things to continue on with this budding relationship.
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It doesn’t need to be anything elaborate or expensive, so forget about that thought or impression. The truth is that you really just need to be focused on what will make them happy or what they are interested in. If you don’t know them that well yet, then focus on some winning date ideas that can be fun for anyone. It’s all up to you to put some creativity into, and therefore ensure that it’s fun for the both of you. This date should also allow additional conversation, and if you strike that balance then you may find that there is much more happiness ahead for both of you.
Go to some event that is in line with their hobby or interest
If you know that they are into sports then get tickets to a game that is in town. If they are into theater then get tickets to a play or musical. Make this second date about them to show that you really did listen to who they are. This need not be over the top, but if you plan something based around their interests it really makes them happy and shows that you are in this for a potential future.
Take them to a fun cooking or painting class
This can be great fun and make for some good laughs. There are so many different classes out there and two of the most popular options are painting and cooking. You get to create something together, you can likely enjoy a glass of wine while you do it, and you are just comfortable being together. It shows some ingenuity and that is always a wonderful way to show them that you are trying to make this an enjoyable courtship.
Get outside and do something active
There’s always something fun to do outside if you use a bit of imagination. You could go ice skating in the winter, or you could play tennis in the summer. You can play a game of something or simply go for a hike. Being active like this gives you something to focus on, but it also opens you both up to enjoy great conversation in the process which is always important here.
Enjoy a nice dinner that you put some thought into
If you know that they enjoy a certain restaurant or type of cuisine, then make a reservation here. It doesn’t mean that you have to go to the most expensive place in town, but rather just plan it around something that they might enjoy. Don’t break the bank, but rather just plan it in a restaurant where you can talk easily and get to know each other more.
Pack a picnic for the park
If the weather permits, then there’s nothing like a picnic in a park. It’s a simple meal but it shows that you put thought into it. You can get a more intimate way of chatting and getting to know each other, but it’s still in public and, therefore, safe. This shows a bit of romance, but a lot of imagination. Pack a simple lunch or dinner and then see how well this goes in winning this person over.
Read also: 5 Reasons He Lost Interest After The First Date
The truth is that there is a lot of importance placed on the second date. These good ideas can help to set the foundation for a great future, and at the very least can help you to get to know one another just a little bit better.
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