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200 Relationships True Facts. Part 2

200 Relationships True Facts. Part 2
#201: The male brain is 10% bigger than the female as but the female brain works more efficiently.
#202: 60% of adults can have a ten-minute conversation without lying at least once.
#203: You usually argue with those you care about. People avoid fights completely when they are no longer interested emotionally.
#204: 43% of men like to take control in the kitchen.
#205: No matter how angry you get, you always end up forgiving the people you love.
#206: The more you talk about a certain person to others, the more you fall in love with that person.
#207: When you fall in love with someone as personality, everything about that person tends to become beautiful.
#208: Any friendship that exceeds the 7-year mark is more likely to last the entire lifetime.
#209: Loneliness causes people to take longer baths/showers, sleep longer, and overthink more.
#210: Having someone ask you are you okay? actually causes you to tear up even more when you are trying not to cry.
#211: Simply looking at a picture of a loved one can help relieve pain.
#212: You know someone means a lot to you when their mood affects yours.
#213: Falling in love can act as a potent painkiller.
#214: It as scientifically is proven: being in love makes you a less productive person.
#215: 80% of women who are in relationships have sex toys.
#216: Pisanthrofobia is the fear of trusting people due to bad past experiences.
#217: Relationships last longer when you don't tell people your business.
#218: Sleeping on your stomach can induce weirder, scarier, and sexier dreams.
#219: During sex, men tend to get distracted by worries about performance; women tend to be distracted by concerns about appearance.
#220: Being single will save you thousand times more stress than being in the wrong relationship.
#221: Women find themselves more attracted to someone with the ability to make them laugh. Laughter strengthens relationships.
#222: People become extremely honest, awkward, weird, and/or personal during the late night/early morning.
#223: Women cry on average between 30 and 64 times a year, while men cry between 6 and 17 times.
#224: Generally, you should never forget what a person says to you when angry because of that as when the truth finally comes out.
#225: According to researchers, couples that are either too similar or too different are not likely to last very long.
#226: 40% of women would rather dump a boyfriend if her friends didn't at approve of him.
#227: 49% of people would dump a partner for being bad in bed.
#228: Attempting to convince yourself that you don at care about someone is a clear indicator that you really do.
#229: When meeting someone for the first time, ask them what they LIKE to do, rather than what they do. It all get them excited.
#230: Sleeping next to someone you love not only reduces depression, but it also helps you to live longer and makes you fall asleep faster.
#231: 33% of singles met their last first date through online dating.
#232: 39% of singles prefer to go out on Saturday night.
#233: 25% of singles have ever hooked up with an ex.
#234: 35% of one-night stands turn into long-term relationships.
#235: Expressing gratitude towards people you love causes a spike in your happiness.
#236: Redheads have more active sex lives than blondes or brunettes.
#237: 27% of men surveyed said they would sleep with their best friend as mom or girlfriend if the Apocalypse was near.
#238: 76% of men say women text too much.
#239: Women are more likely to trust and befriend gay men when they are in a highly competitive dating environment.
#240: A survey found one in five women have ended a relationship because their significant other was too busy playing video games.
#241: 23% of men over 25 have never been married compared to 17% of women over the age 25.
#242: Most single people are actually emotionally unavailable. Often because they still have feelings for someone.
#243: Being in love increases your desire to break the rules.
#244: 25,000 people are kissing right now.
#245: When a man spots a woman he finds attractive he holds his stare for 8.2 seconds.
#246: For 96% of women, being kissed on the neck by their partners is one of their favorite things in life.
#247: It only takes up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not.
#248: Women are more influenced by how a man smells than how he looks.
#249: You are most likely to fall in love with someone if you first meet them in a dangerous situation.
#250: It takes on average 17 months and 26 days to get over an ex.
#251: 20% of women would dump their partner if he became fat.
#252: It takes 2 to 4 years to completely get to know someone. That is why couples who are together that long before marriage are less likely to divorce.
#253: When you see someone you are interested in, what feels like butterflies in your stomach is actually a stress response caused by adrenaline.
#254: Beautiful women are less likely to get asked out because men tend to be intimidated by them.
#255: If you are always the one to text first, there as a 90% chance that this person isn't at interested in you.
#256: Both men and women prefer an attractive face over an attractive body for a long-term mate.
#257: Girls don at like being stared at unless they are already staring at you.
#258: Before a man even speaks a word, the way he stands (whether he is slouching or not) counts for over 80% of women as the first impression.
#259: Men know their feelings quicker than women.
#260: A crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in love.
#261: 64% of women worry if they look pretty while making love.
#262: According to a study, Sagittarius is the most unfaithful astrological sign.
#263: Men consider sleep and food as much as they do sex.
#264: Women tend to look straight at men they like, while men try to avoid eye contact with women they find beautiful.
#265: Approximately 1% of Americans consider themselves to be asexual.
#266: A 1-minute kiss burns 26 calories.
#267: A couple was married for 91 years and 12 days. It as the longest recorded marriage.
#268: You should whisper words of love and emotion into the left ear because it is as more responsive to such words.
#269: Even in complete darkness you can find your lover as lips. In your brain, there are certain neurons that help you do this.
#270: 40% of men lack confidence when they date a woman for the first time.
#271: 89% of girls agreed that the best thing in a relationship is cuddling in bed and falling asleep with their partner.
#272: 50% of men claim they would feel comfortable if their girlfriend had a lesbian lover.
#273: An average woman cries about 47 times a year, whereas on average men cry up to 6 times per year.
#274: On average women smile about 60 times a day and men - just 10 times.
#275: Women are more likely to date men who smell like their fathers.
#276: 95% of women close their eyes when kissing. Only 55% do the same.
#277: The presence of beautiful women ignite stupid behavior in men.
#278: Women wearing red are more likely to attract men. Men tend to spend more money on women wearing red.
#279: Men are biologically wired to fall asleep after sex.
#280: We tend to unconsciously mimic the speech pattern, tone of voice, and mood of someone we love. ª
#281: If a relationship is formed in spring or summer, it is more likely to last longer.
#282: Girls who trust and have good relationships with their fathers are able to have a better and longer-lasting relationship with their boyfriends.
#283: 50% of all singles in America have not had a date in more than 2 years.
#284: Studies have shown that best marriages start as a friendship. The divorce rate can be reduced by 80% if you marry someone you consider a close friend.
#285: Just 8 seconds of eye contact is required to fall in love at first sight.
#286: Falling in love and taking cocaine to produce the same high.
#287: After friendship exceeds the 7-year mark, it is most likely that it will last an entire lifetime.
#288: Just 0.2 seconds are needed to fall in love.
#289: Studies show that couples are more likely to have a strong relationship if they spend at least 10 minutes a day laughing together.
#290: We can sense and are attracted to a person with a different immune system.
#291: Love can literally make you crazy.
#292: Your nerve cells work better during the first year of love.
#293: Spouses may have similar DNA.
#294: 43% of women in online dating are most afraid of meeting a serial killer.
#295: Women can make their voice sexier, but men can at.
#296: Men are more attracted to women who possess a bone structure that resembles that of their mothers.
#297: 85% of men mistake a woman as friendly behavior with flirting.
#298: Only 5% of total breakups occurred over a text message.
#299: According to couple psychologists, human beings are not capable of being just friends with members of the opposite sex.
#300: Men do not feel attracted to females who cry often.
#301: Do not look too desperate for someone you like. Make it difficult for him to get you and he will love you more.
#302: 70% of women say they are turned on by a man who really listens.
#303: It takes 2-4 years to completely get to know someone.
#304: People who speak a second language are deemed more attractive.
#305: 27% of women have been dumped electronically (email, IM, or text).
#306: Men and women who stay up late are more likely to be single than in a relationship.
#307: The longer you hide your feelings for someone, the harder you fall for that individual.
#308: Sex and money consistently rank among the top reasons why couples fight.
#309: The lowest amount of divorce rates are seen in Italy (30.7 %).
#310: Sleeping positions can reflect what as happening in our relationships.
#311: Love actually does make you feel warm all over.
#312: We are intelligent, or at least more efficient, when in love.
#313: After getting dumped, for a period of time our feelings for that person grow stronger.
#314: One of the greatest predictors of love is proximity. If you are physically close to someone, it increases emotion.
#315: Marriage appears to strengthen men as skeletons.
#316: 87% of women value kissing more than men do.
#317: Your brain wiring may influence your number of sexual partners.
#318: Men who feel hungry often, prefer women with higher weighs.
#319: Whenever a woman finds a man attractive, she speaks with a higher-pitched voice.
#320: Young men are more attracted to an hourglass figure.
#321: Women are more attracted to men who have ideal hunting physique, narrow waists, strong shoulders, and broad chests.
#322: Men are attracted to blends of lavender and pumpkin scents.
#323: People who are drunk find others more attractive because a drunken person is less likely to notice the asymmetry of a face.
#324: When kissing, most likely people turn head to the right.
#325: Married people are less likely to develop heart disease.
#326: If you are in good relationships your work will be loaded with huge fruitful output.
#327: 48% of couples break up after 3-5 months of relationships.
#328: Stages of falling in love: Lust, Attraction, Attachment.
#329: There is nothing like blindly in love - you can be blindly in lust or infatuated but love does not make blind.
#330: You have to tell a guy what you really want before getting involved with that guy.
#331: Guys believe that there as no such thing as love at first sight.
#332: Don't be a snob. Guys may easily give up on the first sign of rejection.
#333: Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.
#334: When a guy is conscious of his looks, it shows he is not good at fixing things.
#335: In an argument with your partner, when your heart rate goes over 100 beats per minute, you are incapable of hearing what your partner is trying to tell you
#336: Thirty-three percent of online daters form a relationship, 33% do not, and 33% give up.
#337: Nearly 40% of men do not feel confident meeting a woman for the first time.
#338: 12% of people don at mind having sex at working place.
#339: 12% of people don at mind having sex at working place.
#340: 52% of men are turned on by red lipstick or nail polish.
#341: On internet dating sites, men who reported incomes higher than $250,000 received 156% more email than those with $50,000.
#342: If a woman offers to pay for everything, chances are she isn't at that into the date.
#343: Statistics show that trying to get a relationship to work with an ex doesn't at usually work.
#344: Studies show that unfaithful men have lower IQ as.
#345: Staring at women, men spend almost a year of their lives.
#346: According to a worldwide sex survey 19.25 is the average age when people first have sex.
#347: The science of kissing is called philematology.
#348: Some experts believe that chocolate sometimes can be more effective than foreplay.
#349: Throughout the world, 21% of people report having more than 10 sexual partners.
#350: A couple in London locked lips for 31 hours, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds, making it the longest kiss ever recorded.
#351: 76% of women are attracted to men with low voices.
#352: When a man first approaches a woman, she will base only 7% of her initial impression on what he says.
#353: 11% of men say that they use sex as a stress reliever.
#354: According to mathematical theory, we should date a dozen people before choosing a long-term partner; that provides the best chance that you all make a love match.
#355: In Ancient Greece, throwing an apple at a woman was considered a declaration of love.
#356: In 2014 a prisoner escaped a detention center in Arizona to spend Valentine as Day with his girlfriend.
#357: Marriage shifted from arranged marriages to love-based marriages in the 17th-to-18th century.
#358: There are an estimated 3 million first dates every day worldwide.
#359: 2% of couples have fallen in love with a grocery store.
#360: No matter how angry you get, you always end up forgiving the person you love.
#361: The longer you hide your feelings for someone, the harder you fall for that individual.
#362: 35% of men think that 3rd date is the right time for sex.
#363: Like sex and hunger, the urge to fall in love is primitive and biological.
#364: 40% of American women say they ave cheated on their partners.
#365: 47% of singles have been involved in a friends-with-benefits relationship.
#366: 37% of single women wait until they are in an exclusive relationship before sleeping with someone.
#367: Holding hands with the one you love can ease fear, stress and physical pain.
#368: If a woman and a man meet each other in a dangerous or risky situation, they are more likely to fall in love with each other than if they were to meet at work or at a cafe.
#369: Men change their minds 2 or 3 times more often than women.
#370: Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
#371: A survey has found that fit legs are the sexiest part of a woman, according to men.
#372: Women feel loved when talking face to face. Men feel loved when talking side by side.
#373: 6% of men proposed to their girlfriends over the phone.
#374: "80% of women use silence to express pain. You know she as truly hurt when she chooses to ignore you."
#375: The term love is from the Sanskrit lubhyati, meaning desire.
#376: The Mexican chief Montezuma considered chocolate a love drug and drank 50 cups of chocolate a day before visiting his harem of 600 women.
#377: A husband who is nine or more years older than his wife or who marries before the age of 24 is more likely to divorce.
#378: Men in love show more activity in the visual part of the brain, while women in love show more activity in the part of the brain that governs memory.
#379: The maple leaf is a symbol of love in China and Japan” and in North America, it was often engraved on beds of early settlers to promote peaceful sleep and pleasure.
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#382: Men who remarry usually choose a wife five years younger.
#383: Marriage started shifting from arranged to love-based marriages in the 18th century.
#384: 22% of social networking sites users have unfriended an ex on social media.
#385: A survey revealed that 52% of women say their husband is not their soulmate.
#386: The average human will spend 6.8% of their lives socializing with someone they love, or the equivalent of around 1,769 days.
#387: Those who wear nothing in bed are more content in their relationships than those who cover-up, according to a poll.
#388: Sanskrit has 96 words for love, ancient Persian has 80, and English only one.
#389: In an argument with your partner, when your heart rate goes over 100 beats per minute, you are incapable of hearing what your partner is trying to tell you.
#390: Studies show that happiness is contagious and that potential dates find it hard to walk away from happy people. One of the biggest turn-offs during a date is negativity.
#391: Mirroring, or repeating someone as body language, often impresses a date because it subtly conveys interest to the other person. One should avoid copying every move, however.
#392: Eye contact, or a copulatory gaze, is a primary and powerful tool for attracting a potential date for both men and women. However, the meaning of various types of eye contact differs from culture to culture.
#393: On average, couples have sex within about four to six dates.
#394: Nearly 50% of online daters are aged 18-34 and 24% are 35-44.
#395: 78% of men try to avoid 3 types of women: clingy women, party-girls, drama queens.
#396: 33% of men fall in love on the first date.
#397: A flower worn over the left ear in Hawaii signifies that a woman is no longer single.
#398: According to a study, a woman is more attracted to a man when she is uncertain about how much he likes her.
#399: 75% of people who marry partners from an affair eventually divorce.
#400: There is an organization called the Cuddle Party that holds cuddle parties where you cuddle with strangers and make new friends.
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