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No Job? No Women!

“It’s not a secret that losing a job is a great stress. It hits not”
By Alex Glover August 24, 2015
No Job? No Women!

No Job? No Women!

“It’s not a secret that losing a job is a great stress. It hits not”
By Alex Glover August 24, 2015

It’s not a secret that losing a job is a great stress. It hits not only your career prospects but makes you less attractive for women. One of the recent researches shows that the overwhelming majority of women is unlikely to date with an unemployed man. At the same time the percentage of men who wouldn’t date a jobless lady is much lower.

Women claim that their preferences are not based on financial aspects only. Female respondents affirm that they are attracted to men who have clear life goals and are engaged in a beneficial work activity.

Thus, if you are still single and have no job, you chances to be popular among women are not very high. However, at least now you know what steps to take in order to shine and attract the woman of your dream. Thus, stop nagging and rush to look for a job right now! While according to Marilyn Monroe gentlemen prefer blonds, ladies pay their attention on successful men who know what they want.

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