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We're About to Create Our New Feature Quick Match

We're About to Create Our New Feature Quick Match
One of the significant human desires is to create a romantic relationship and fall in love. Have you ever liked a person at first sight? Definitely yes, at least once! People of all ages, genders and lifestyles have been attracted to someone at first glance. Without knowing much we just stare at each other for some time.
Meetville is about to create this life situation for its users with the help of Quick Match feature. People are very good at knowing who may be interesting and appealing to them basing only on photos of a person. The purpose is to make on our dating service a possibility to choose a potential partner basing on the first impression. Users will be shown a number of potential long-term matches every day. Those who have a mutual attraction will be informed about this and will have a chance to start a conversation and discuss whatever they want: interests, personal questions, beliefs and views.
All of us have been told that we shouldn’t judge people until we know them well enough. But let’s face it: there are instincts that help us to choose the right ones at first eye contact. Sometimes it’s not only about looks, but we decide quickly whether this or that person can be our potential match or not, without saying a word to each other.
It is up to our users to decide the appropriateness of matches they will be shown and choose whom to contact and create a successful long-term relationship with.
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