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Smart Guns Start a Debate in America

Smart Guns Start a Debate in America
Once a new "smart gun" has hit shelves in the US, questions started to arise as to whether this new safe technology will restrain rampant gun violence or cause even more damage. Meetville (dating app to find the right person) carried out a survey from 9/9/14 to 10/23/14 to get the public opinion on the matter.
The poll posed the question: “Would you like to own a smart gun?”, the responses to which were most evenly split, Yes - 50% and No - 50% .
Total number of participants was 31,191. From the USA - 55%, from Canada - 4%, from Britain - 12%, Australia - 7% and other countries - 22%.
Nicholas Tufnell, Technology reporter, explains that as the technology is relatively new, people are sure to start the debate. Moreover, he believes that forms of safer firearms should remain the element of discussion especially after US shooting tragedies.
Between men and women the votes have distributed in the following manner: male - 79%, female - 21% among those who favor smart guns; and male - 69%, female - 31% among those who oppose.
Alex Cusper, Meetville service analyst, believes that although men seem to stand on firmer ground in their support of smart guns, heated discussions will still continue.
Meetville, a leading mobile dating service, regularly conducts research among its users. Millions of people from the U.S., Canada, Britain and Australia answer hundreds of questions every month. You can find the results of the poll here. If you are interested in research on a particular topic, please contact us. Any reprint of the material should be followed by clickable links to the survey.
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