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Choose a Drink and We Will Tell You How Your First Date Will Go

Choose a Drink and We Will Tell You How Your First Date Will Go
Going for a drink on the first date is the easiest and pretty much the best ice-breaker. But did you know that your choice of a drink in the bar may reveal not only your personality but also the way your relationship is going to develop?
There has been made a research showing how your drinking choice will influence your date. For example, if you are drinking beer (especially, Guinness) you are 60% more likely to get laid on the first date. Another secret revealed by bartenders is that getting red wine on the first date just screams seduction.
Choosing a drink on the first date is like body language: you may not pay attention to it, but it says a lot about how you are feeling about this date and this another person.
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So, what would you choose?
Wine is kind of romantic choice but, at the same time, it's very classy. A lot of bartenders admit that they see white wine as a more feminine choice, while red wine is all about passion and sexual desire. However, ordering a glass of wine requests some basic knowledge and etiquette. If you eat at a restaurant, you should know which food can be combined with this type of wine. And also people who order house wine may seem frugal, so you better go with something more presentable.
While wine is perfect for a classy date at a restaurant, beer is a really good drink for anything else. It may seem not that much romantic or even suitable for a first date, but one thing is for sure: guys like girls who can enjoy a glass of cold beer. It's also a great way to show that your date is casual and you just start getting to know each other. If you are a beer lover and know a lot about this drink, going to a brewery on a first date might be a pretty good idea.
Martini looks like a drink for adults and probably it is so. If your party phase is over and you want to highlight that you are looking for a long-term and sustainable relationship, this drink will help you to make this impression. Though it looks cool and adult, a lot of bartenders don't recommend to order it on the first date: "Anybody that orders a martini looks like an alcoholic. I'm sorry, but that's just straight alcohol."
It's the safest choice among all cocktails. It's sweet and innocent (almost). No one will think you are an alcoholic if you order just one glass. It's also great for the first date as you don't need to think too much before choosing it (as with wine) and somehow it's great for small talks.
Anything "on the rocks"
Maybe drinking strong alcohol on the first date is not a great idea, unless you have a personality for it. Ordering something on the rocks straight ahead will make you look ridiculous and probably won't make a good first impression of you.
However, if you and your date have similar tastes in alcohol or you both are big fans of Mad Men, you can start with something as sophisticated as Bourbon on the rocks.
Another research says that over 65% members of online dating sites prefer coffee and chat for the first date. Even though alcohol helps you to relax and make things smoother, staying sober on the first date will help you to stay with the clear mind and it's more likely that your future relationship is going to be more stable.
Read also: 6 Signs You Are Unknowingly Ruining Your First Date
The next time you'll go for a drink with someone new, you'll have a chance to check his/her personality by the drink they order.
And what is your drink choice on a first date? Share your experience in comments below.
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