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Are You a Dating Loser?

Are You a Dating Loser?
Everyone is happy with their beloved ones, but you? Sick and tired of spending lonely evenings in your empty flat? Just stop and analyze your life. Maybe you do something wrong? Before blaming someone else in your failures try to find out what you can do to improve the situation. If you are just afraid of starting new relationships because of unlucky previous experience, this article is definitely for you.
I don’t want this torture anymore If you’ve got the experience of being dumped or cheated on, then you probably don’t want enter new relationships at once. Yes, breaking up sucks – it ruins our life and our emotional connection with the partner. And of course in order to avoid this to happen again we try to protect ourselves by closing our hearts for new feelings. Time really heals, and one day when you realize that not all people are the same and that not all of them are dreaming of breaking your heart again you’ll see how happy you can become again. Unfortunately, no one knows how much time you will need to overcome the fear of being dumped, but one thing I know for sure – without trying hard you’ll never succeed.
I don’t want to be controlled Sometimes we treat our partners as if they are our property, forgetting about their feelings, needs and desires. But real love presupposes putting our partners’ issues in the first place. Don’t you want to make your girlfriend/boyfriend happy? What can compare to seeing a smiling face of your one and only? Relationship is a difficult thing and it’s absolutely impossible to maintain it without compromising. Don’t worry! When you find your soulmate, meeting on halfway will become natural for both of you.
I’m afraid my partner isn’t truly interested in me Don’t you think that this fear is more about you, but not your would-be partner? People, who are not able to maintain long-term relationships because of quick loss of interest to people, are more likely to expect the same from others. If you treat dating like a game where you are to prove your superiority over other participants you have no chances to succeed in finding your soulmate. True love has neither rules nor time limits. And be sure if you meet your one and only, you’ll feel it and obviously won’t lose your interest.
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