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6 Questions to Spark Conversation On a First Date

6 Questions to Spark Conversation On a First Date
The first date questions can be downright stressful! Though it’s hard enough preparing for a date but thinking of what to talk about is a lot to consider. This is your chance to see if this person is a good match for a second date, so asking questions counts big time.
Asking the Right Questions Can Tell You All You Need to Know
If you want to see if this person is a good match or if you want to go on a second date, then planning out your questions is really valuable. These questions can help you gain some insights without being invasive. They also help to open the door for this person to talk about themselves in a fun and unique way.
1. What do you like to do for fun?
You’re trying to get to know this person above and beyond just the surface level. This can tell you a lot as you get to know their hobbies, interests, and ultimately how they spend their free time. This can help you find common ground, or it can tell you that you are simply not a match. It also helps them feel relaxed and focus on something positive and that goes a long way.
2. Are you happy with your job, is it what you’ve always wanted to do?
It’s not like an interview question, but it does give you insight into their professional life. Their answer can tell you if they are lazy or motivated, if they are thirsty for knowledge, or if they just take it as it comes. You want to know what they are like professionally speaking, and this can be a great way to frame those interests. You will also learn a bit about their past and that’s always a good thing, but this is a subtle way to do so.
3. What kind of movies, books, or shows do you like?
Sure it may sound cliché but this is a really good question to ask. You want to know what interests them and so this is a more indirect way of asking that question. You may also be able to use this as a good conversation starter if you share a common love for movies or books. Even catching up on a good TV show can make for a great conversation too.
4. Where do you usually hang out with your friends?
You want to know about their friends and their free time. You can tell if your date is a homebody or loner, or if they are out at the clubs all the time. You can tell what point in their life they are at, and this will give you much more information than meets the eyes.
5. Tell me about yourself, do you have some fun facts you can share?
It’s a cool way of learning more about them without being too pushy. They can share with you any accomplishments, anything that they have enjoyed in their life. The more they share, the better things are going. It’s a great way of getting to know somebody and getting them to open up, so be gentle to make it a positive question.
6. What is an ideal day to you?
Everyone loves daydreaming a bit, so this gives them a chance to do so. You can learn what they like to do, what their happy place is, and you may find some good points of connection here too. Everyone can think through what makes a day good, and this helps you to make them feel positive. You can learn a lot even through their reaction as they describe this to you. It’s a great way of learning about them in a really good way, and then you get to share the same.
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