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4 Things to Consider when Approaching a Woman

4 Things to Consider when Approaching a Woman
You see her across the room, and you want to approach her but feel unsure. Is she going to be into you or completely ignore you? That fear of rejection is alive and well in most men, and it can be a hard thing to overcome. You want to see if she’ll go out on a date with you, but how can you ensure that? The way in which you approach a woman can dictate the direction that things will go from here. Yes it’s that important!
Sure you want to be on your best game, but you also don’t’ want to come across as a player. You want her to see that you’re interested, but you also don’t want to come across as needy. That’s a hard balance to find, and in the end it’s always about playing it cool and being yourself. She will love that more than you know and you are sure to stand out from the rest. Common sense, but so often ignored!
It’s All about Strategy and Honesty at the Core
If you want to win her over and make that first impression a favorable one, then here are some things to consider as you make the initial approach.
1. Don’t come across as rehearsed or cheesy: She will see right through the “cheesy factor” and it won’t end well. She doesn’t want a guy who has been practicing what he’s going to say, for that will come across as fake or desperate. Don’t try too hard because it never ends well and always makes her look away. Just take a deep breath and talk to her, don’t try to give her an unnecessary song and dance. It serves no purpose and won’t move things along!
2. A well delivered and simple hello can go further than anything: Try saying hi and talking to her, not at her. So many guys come up to her and try to put on their best game, and this wont’ win her over. A guy who casually comes over just to chat goes a lot further. Talk to her, try to make eye contact, and really make it more conversational than anything else. No practice needed, as a simple hello is really all you need to get in.
3. She has probably been approached by others, so be the one that stands out in a good way: Every other guy has tried to give her the same lines and played the same games, so don’t fall into the same trap. Be the one who just speaks from the heart and stands out. A casual, simple, and well planned “hi, how are you?” will always win out. Forget about the others and be the one who talks to her and wins her over, works every time!
4. Always be yourself and speak from the heart, for pick up lines don’t work: Don’t try to be some big shot as that will turn her off. Don’t try to be a player as that will scare her away. Be who you are, own up to it, be confident but not cocky, and just focus on your best qualities in your delivery. Don’t fall into the trap of pick up lines as they are an instant turn off. Just talk to her, ignore your instinct to put on some big show, and see where the honest and from the heart approach takes you. She’ll be interested in you and want to chat it up—and then the rest is up to you!
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