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Exaggerations in Dating Profiles

Exaggerations in Dating Profiles
I won’t tell you anything new if warn you one more time about online dating scammers. And it goes without saying that we should be very cautious having a deal with online dating profiles of other users, as a lot of them tend to exaggerate about themselves.
Fortunately, according to the research people who have their account in online social networks are pretty honest and the percentage of those who try to seem better is rather low. This tendency can be explained by the fact that social networks presuppose communication among friends who already know one another. But does the same principal work in online dating world? In accordance with one of the surveys devoted to this issue, online daters who exaggerate about themselves are likely to do the same in a real life.
Moreover, the study found out that the category of users, who exaggerate or downplay something, do this not to manipulate potential partners but just to seem “more suitable”. So, they’d rather want to seem normal but not exceptional.
And as for the total level of incredible information – it appears to be “quite low”, as people who are looking for their perfect matches online hope to meet them in person. They understand that in case of meeting with a partner in a real life all the lies will be easily discovered.
So, next time browthing through numerous profiles don’t try to detect liars – just be cautious and enjoy the process.
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