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Most People Believe Social Networking Is Not Yet a Problem

“Social media is often called the plague of the century. But most people believe it”
By Alex Glover November 5, 2020
Most People Believe Social Networking is Not Yet a Problem dating-singles-meetville-matchmaking

Most People Believe Social Networking Is Not Yet a Problem

“Social media is often called the plague of the century. But most people believe it”
By Alex Glover November 5, 2020

Social media is often called the plague of the century. But most people believe it isn't so. In the course of the survey, held from 9/22/14 to 10/21/14, Meetville (dating app to find the right person) posed the following question “Are you addicted to social networks?”

Voters represented the following countries as follows: USA - 67%, Canada - 4%, Britain - 9%, Australia – 6% and other countries – 14%. Out of 15,011 respondents 67% claim they’re not addicted.

Numerous studies have proved that social media can be very addictive. However, Samar Farag, a writer at Medium.comdefends the belief that our generation isn't addicted to social media. “It has simply become integrated into our lives, like the TV into our parents’ lives, radio into our grandparents’ lives,” he says. And therefore, the results of the survey prove that we’re quite capable of using technology wisely.

While the distribution of “Yes” votes among men and women is almost equal (Male -58%, Female- 42%), we can observe a much bigger contribution of men to the opposite side, voting “No” (Male - 70%, Female - 30%).

According to Alex Cusper, Meetville service analyst,men indeed tend to lag behind when it comes to communicating with others through social networks, as they are more partial to contacting people via phone. Women, however, are more likely to be addicted due to their talkative nature.


Meetville, a leading mobile dating service, regularly conducts research among its users. Millions of people from the U.S., Canada, Britain and Australia answer hundreds of questions every month. You can find the results of the poll here. If you are interested in research on a particular topic, please contact us. Any reprint of the material should be followed by clickable links to the survey.

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