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Pink in Male Fashion: Joke or Reality

Pink in Male Fashion: Joke or Reality
Pink conquers men's wardrobe. In a poll, conducted between 5/25/14 and 9/18/14, Meetville.com (dating app to find the right person) asked 81,389 people to answer the following question: “Is it okay for guys to wear pink?”
The results indicate that this style is supported by the majority of respondents - 67%, however, still frowned upon by 33%.
Wearing pink seems to challenge the very concept of manhood. According to color consultant Angela Wright, “that’s because for much of the 20th century men were not supposed to show their feminine side, and pink was considered a soft, feminine color. More recently, pink became a symbol of homosexuality, as in the term “the pink pound”. And many men still avoid pink because of that association.”
Pink on men allures many Americans. Among those polled 85% were from the USA, participants from other countries are slightly less charmed by the color, with 2% of respondents from Canada , 4% - Britain, 3% - Australia and 6% - from other countries.
Alex Cusper, Meetville service analyst, says: “Pink is a color more men have been embracing recently, but it’s fair to say that, 20 or 30 years ago, pink was a far less acceptable color for many men. Today we see male celebrities such as Brad Pitt and David Beckham in pink, which also contributed to our attitude towards the color.”
Meetville, a leading mobile dating service, regularly conducts research among its users. Millions of people from the U.S., Canada, Britain and Australia answer hundreds of questions every month. You can find the results of the poll here. If you are interested in research on a particular topic, please contact us. Any reprint of the material should be followed by clickable links to the survey.
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