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Simple Dating Rules

Simple Dating Rules
It’s a paradox but the more we learn about the science of dating the less we can implement in practice. Trying to become guru of dating we seem to forget the simplest rules, so let’s take a closer look at them one more time.
Just Smile Remember, no gorgeous outfit will work if you leave your smile at home. Any woman seems to be much more approachable having her smile on.
Don’t Forget about Your Face while Making Your Best Shot If you are going to become an online dater, have your makeup and hair done. In order to make a good impression on your potential partner you should do your best to look attractive in your profile picture. As, unfortunately, we are unlikely to have a second chance to leave a first impression. And one more tip here – no friends on the photo, only your beautiful face.
Have an Objective Bear in mind that love at first sight may happen but may not. That’s why you should always have a bright picture of your ideal partner in your head. It’s like in business – at first you set a certain goal, then you try to achieve it. You will never get anything if you yourself still don’t know what you really want.
Be curious Don’t be afraid of asking numerous questions to show you are interested in your partner and also to learn about him/her as much as you can. As just talking about yourself, you’ll hardly get to know your would-be partner better. Moreover, keep in mind that everyone, I repeat – everyone likes to be listened to. So, the best away to attract a person is to become an attentive listener.
Don't Forget about Dating Etiquette Treat your partner the way you want to be treated by him/her. Remember that the absence of good manners may ruin weeks or even months of your pre-date communication within a couple of minutes. That’s why it’s so important to be polite and keep you cell phone switched off, unless you are a single parent.
Be Grateful Even in case you are not going to meet again, send your date an email with the words of gratitude. Believe, this small step may work out well in future. You never know whether this person will appear in your life once again or not. What if he/she will become your colleague or a friend of your friend?
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