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How to Forget Your Ex

How to Forget Your Ex
After breaking up most people are having a hard time to forget about their ex, this is because in their mind they still have thoughts about the ex relationship. Here are some of the important things that you must bear in mind to be able to forget your ex and move on easily.
- Accept that relationship is over
You will never be able to move on after a break up if you still cling to the possibility of getting back with your ex. Don’t dwell too much on the past and learn to accept that it’s over. You forget your ex if you are in the proper state of mind. Focus on what you can do to become a better person without your ex.
- Refrain from reliving moments
Try to avoid all special places you went together, special songs or anything else that will trigger happy moments together. This is one of the most important steps in trying to set free from thoughts about your ex.
- Get rid of the mementos
Try to hide all photos, gifts and other reminders of the time you spent as the couple. Keeping photos of your ex all around the house will just keep you remembering him every 5 minutes and will prolong your efforts to forget your ex. Do yourself a favor and put all mementos away.
- Change your surroundings
There are simple things like rearranging your room and your clothes that can help you feel the spirit of new life. Don’t be afraid of changes and stop crying over spilled milk.
- Keep yourself occupied
It’s important to keep yourself busy when you’re trying to forget your ex. Try physical activities or go to the gym, try swimming, jogging or just doing something that you enjoy, but couldn’t do when your ex was around!
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