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5 Empowering Movies to Get Over a Broken Heart

5 Empowering Movies to Get Over a Broken Heart
A broken heart sucks, and it really does hurt. It’s not just an expression. Scientists claim that the human body may really experience pain that results from the emotions you experience when a relationship ends.
But you know what? You can do something about it!
You can get up, go out, and face life with new force. This breakup occurred because the relationship didn’t work. You can see it as an opportunity to open up to life and love once again.
Still not ready for that?
It’s okay. Maybe you need some time alone, just to get your feelings together and decide what your new life is going to be like. Do you know what helps during that period of time? Movies!
We suggest 5 empowering movies that you should definitely watch to get over a broken heart.
Bridget Jones’s Diary
It’s no wonder why so many women still love Bridged Jones. Bridget is a real woman with real struggles. She is intelligent and funny, but vulnerable and unconfident at the same time. And she’s always on a diet! Could it get more real than that?
The best thing about this movie is that it’s absolutely hilarious. No matter how devastated you feel, Renee Zellweger will make you laugh.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
When you see Jim Carrey, you assume it’s yet another one of his ridiculous comedies, but it’s a serious movie that hits all the right spots. It’s about our attempt to forget the memories that torture us. But oblivion tortures us more.
Through a bizarre story, the movie teaches you that you should never suppress. The relationship is done, but you spent some good moments with this person. Cherish them and move on!
Read also: Should You Ever Give a Second Chance to a Liar?
(500) Days of Summer
“This is not a love story. It’s a story about love.” That’s the opening line, and it couldn’t have captured the essence of this movie any better. It’s a realistic story about an awkward guy meeting an awkward girl.
Tom: I need to know that you’re not going to wake up in the morning and feel differently.
Summer: And I can’t give you that. Nobody can.
You get the point, right? People change. You and your ex have changed. Relationships are not perfect and they shouldn’t be. It’s just life and that was part of the experience.
Gone with the Wind
Marissa Maurisson, a writer for UKBestEssays, gives an interesting perspective on this movie: “Gone with the Wind is the most frequent request for movie reviews on our platform. It’s no wonder why this old movie is still so popular. It’s one of the most powerful love stories ever written.”
Are you in for a powerful love story? This one will teach you that no matter how strong love is, there’s always something to look forward to. “After all, tomorrow is another day” is one of the most heartbreaking, but hopeful lines you’ve ever heard.
High Fidelity
This is not a movie about relationships; it’s a movie about breakups. So it’s probably the perfect one to watch at this moment. Rob is guiding you through his own world, and you’ll definitely recognize some of the characters in your own life.
It teaches you the same lesson again: no matter how good relationships are, sometimes they end and life goes on.
Read also: The Ultimate Guide to Get Over a Breakup
These not just movies. They are movies that can give you advice, make you laugh, and simply provide comfort during harsh times. And the best way to cure your broken heart is to find a new love. So don’t forget to join Meetville right now and go on a date with local singles!
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