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4 Adorably Cute Ways to Ask Your Crush on a Date

“Are you dying to ask that person on a date? Are you sure that they”
By Alex Glover June 11, 2021

4 Adorably Cute Ways to Ask Your Crush on a Date

“Are you dying to ask that person on a date? Are you sure that they”
By Alex Glover June 11, 2021

Are you dying to ask that person on a date? Are you sure that they have heard every old line before? Do you want to get them interested but feel a bit unsure of how to make it original? If you go with humor and cute approach then you usually can’t go wrong. This is a great way to get them interested and let your personality shine through.

This will entice them and show that they are going to have a good time with you. It also allows you to stand out from the crowd, and therefore there is so much to possibly enjoy ahead with you. Let your creativity run wild, but here are a few starting points to get you headed in the right direction.

The thing is that if this another person likes you as well, there won't be a bad way to ask on a date. Though, if you still want to make this moment special, here are some cute ways how to ask your crush on a date. 


Write them an old-school note

Straight up asking if they want to go out on a date with you in a well-written note can work wonders. It shows interest and you are cutting to the chase but in a funny way. You don’t see this trend popping up much anymore. Yet it’s such a cool way to ask somebody out on a date.

It’s not a text and it’s not an aggressive way of asking them out. You are putting yourself out there, and you can even ask them to check a box for “yes” or “no” to give it a fun little twist. It takes so little but it says so much!


Leave them a clue of what your first date would be

If you plan on taking them out hiking, then leave them a picture of the trail. If you plan on taking them to dinner, then leave them a menu for that restaurant. Some cute little reminder of what your date could be like is an excellent way to ask somebody out. It shows them how much fun they can have and it demonstrates your originality. You may find that this builds the excitement for both of you in the end!


Give them a “business card” 

Put together a quick and witty “bio” about you that you can offer to them. It can have your picture, some fun facts, your likes, and then present it to them. They are likely to see the humor and be drawn to that. This isn’t a professional business card, but rather a really cute way of saying this is who I am and I’d like to take you out. Try it and you may find that you are onto a new fun little dating trend!


Have a friend ask for you 

This is so elementary school but so cute if executed properly. Have a mutual or close friend tell them that you kind of like them and ask if they would go on a date with you. Don’t make it weird but just keep it cute and surface level, and you will be amazed at how well this can go.

They will be touched that you thought of them and they will want to see you again. You put thought into it, you made it cute and witty, and therefore they have to see what you’re all about. This is sure to be original and the rest will make for an interesting story as it all plays out.


If you want to impress your crush with your cuteness, these ideas are just made for you! But remember that asking your crush on a date is not everything you need to think of. Keep in mind that you also need to impress them on your date, so check our best first date ideas to make your date perfect.


Still don't have "the one" to ask on a date? Install Meetville app on Android and iOS right now and go on a date with local singles!

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