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Meetville's Guidebook


Uploading only your own photos
It is a must on Meetville for the users to have a photo on their profile as one would feel safe to view real faces and not anonymous profiles.  Remember that photos you upload must be your own and not someone else's –using the photos that you do not have the right to use is against the rules.
Note: main photos shall reveal your appearance and fit  Meetville’s requirements. Find more about them here: Photo Requirements
Respecting other users
We adore national diversity on our site. You should show tolerance to other people's nationalities and consider their beliefs, interests and views to be unique and a subject to any conflict.
Sending unique messages to other users
Sending users one and the same message is not a very productive way to start your first communication. Read carefully each profile, try to figure out what person is interested in and prepare a message that would reflect your keen interest in sharing the dialogue with that exact person.  
Following our pieces of advice
We don't like to block people for their expressing ignorant attitude to our tips and hope our users will find them helpful but not destructive. Follow them to make using Meetville more enjoying !
Expressing yourself
One of the distinctive features of Meetville’s community is having complete and weighty profiles allowing users to observe each other’s inner worlds. Try to share the things that help you to stand out from the crowd with the world!
Enjoying Meetville
Enjoy every second when spending time on Meetville. Meetville is all about finding the perfect match for each other, as well about communicating, sharing the mood with people, making friends and just having a good time!  
Insulting other users
You should not abuse people or violate any of their rights - perceive virtual communication as if you are directly facing each other and keep a civil tongue in your head.
Creating fake or group profiles
People who join our community should take their membership seriously  as Meetville is created by real people for real people to find their love. Creating fake profiles is the way to show that you neglect Meetville’s membership.
Posting your contact details in public
It is not recommended to post contact details in your profile as we’ll delete all contact information that is phone number, email, address etc. that is posted in public. 
Uploading abusive and pornographic photos
This piece of advice can be found in Meetville’s requirements to the photos uploaded but it is better to remind twice that all the material that contains nudity or pornography is not welcomed here.
Doing illegal actions on Meetville
If you do not prefer to be banned or blocked from our site and reported to the authorities we strongly recommend you not to do anything that is considered to be illegal.
Spamming our users
We do not appreciate making our site a trade union and cut short any attempts to sell products via out site. For the consequences see Doing illegal actions on Meetville.
Remember: being disobedient to the above mentioned tips may lead to your account termination. See the extract from Meetville Terms of Use: “an account may be terminated at any time, without notice, depending on the severity of the offense, which is determined exclusively at the discretion of is not obligated to provide a Member with a warning prior to removal”.
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